Archie Comic Publications


Archie Comic Publication


Art Director | Strategist


Candice Shen, Jodie Wu, Shrutika Manivannan, RIa Shah, Yaren Kaya


In the golden age of comics where epic battles were fought by caped crusaders and shield-wielding champions, there was one figure who stood apart, embodying something different. His name was Archie, a red-haired boy residing just next door. The Archie Comics Publication have a strong 80 years of legacy, and Archie soon became the prototype for the typical American teenager.

Today we see the media industry morphing from movies to spin-off series, we see comics morphing into the soaring popularity of graphic novels in young adults, and we see America morphing into a reflection of the new cultures and diversity that encompasses America. Diversity in ideas, values, and expression. 


  • ‘Archie’ needs to differentiate between the brand character — Archie the boy — and the brand’s character — Archie Comics.

  • Archie Comics needs a sound strategy for structured brand expansions

  • Archie Comics needs to truly reflect youth culture.


  • One boy next door representing various identities no longer reflects current youth culture. As Archie Comics Publication is a roster of many sub brands under its umbrella. When the brand is defined by one boy, one hero figure, it takes away from all the there characters and their rich stories.

  • Personalities are multi-faceted and the Archie Stories need to convey that, we can not longer be stripped int character archetypes and expect for one shoe to fit all.

Break the Archie-type.


At Archie Comics, we are unapologetic champions for underdogs who want to
exist outside the panels.

Underdog is referred to those whose experiences do not fit into a “standard” mold. The brand needs to embrace nuanced identities in order to break outside the panels that severely limit teenage experiences.
These panels could be countries, cultures, or clichéd stories.


Stripping the Archie Comics Identity from the years-long depiction of Archie Andrews to a multitude of personalities and honouring the other characters from the brand — we proposed a name change and a new visual identity.

From Archie Comics Publication to Archieverse

What if Archie were more than one character?

What if Archie was a local born in a
different country?

What if Betty fell in love with Sabrina?

We want to ensure that every teenager, anywhere in the world, of any race, ethnicity, gender or backstory should be able to grow up reading comics that mirror their everyday struggles to instil a sense of unconditional acceptance

This character playbook brings the ideals of the Archieverse into reality.

With Archieverse, there can now be a world where Archie and Archie meet Archie.